Midnight Mayhem (Clover Pack #3) by Savannah Lee review

Friends. Family. Mate.

After living most of my life on the run, I’ve finally found a place I belong. A place to call home, with a mate bond I never expected to have. I’d love nothing more than to enjoy it.

But Queen Tantaii won’t rest until she gets what she wants, the ancient ring that will give her the power to destroy the mortal realm, and everyone in it.

And I have it.

I know she’s lurking, biding her time in the shadows for the perfect moment to strike. She’s the mother from hell, and she knows exactly where to strike to hurt me the most.

But her plan won’t work.

I’m done running. I’m done hiding.

I’ll take the fight to her, and end this. Once and for all.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

One of the first notes I wrote down while reading this book is “if RowanXCallan has 100 fans, I’m one of them. If RowanXCallan has no fans, I’m dead”, and I feel like that’s a pretty good description of my feelings for this series in general.

I really enjoyed the characters in this series and watching them grow throughout! This author does a really good job at making you care for these characters, whether that’s because she’s about to rip your heart out by killing someone you love (*glares at Savannah Lee. She knows what she’s done.*) or because she’s somehow convinced you to have mixed feelings for someone you thought you hated (???).

I also really loved how the relationship between Rowan and Callan has developed throughout the books, surprising absolutely no one. This is not a constructive point to bring up in a book review (just me yelling into the void), but there’s a scene very early on in this book where Rowan’s packing a suitcase and Callan’s quietly staring at her ass that has me screaming every time I think of it. Just thinking of how far they’ve come since the first book, when they were attracted to each other but couldn’t do anything because they weren’t mates……………………….


I also loved how this book called back to previous books in the series, which really helped show just how far these characters have come! Seeing the allies they’ve made along the way continuing to help, even when readers least expect them to show up? Showing how something seemingly small can amount to so much more??? 👌👌👌

That being said, I do think this book could have benefited from better pacing and a bit more length in general. With so much action going on, there’s no time for readers to take a breath and just enjoy seeing the characters in a way I wish we had gotten. We’re jumping from one major conflict to the next without any time between them, and that felt very overwhelming to read.

With as much as I loved the first two books in this series, I was quite disappointed to find that I felt more neutral about this final book’s plot. While I love the characters and world building Savannah Lee has done in this series, I needed a little more fluff and buildup to this grand final battle before I could absolutely adore this book.

Midnight Magic (Clover Pack #2) by Savannah Lee review

I probably shouldn’t have followed the strange Fae man through the mysterious portal.
Scratch that. I definitely shouldn’t have, but when the choice was to either get my friends killed or jump…
I jumped.
Now I’m stuck in the faerie lands, where enemies lurk around every corner, waiting to strike. The Fae Queen will rest at nothing until she gets her hands on me. I have something she wants, something she needs.
Something I stole from her.
The catch? I can’t remember where I put it. I can’t remember anything from my former life, having erased my memories to hide from my past in the human realm.
Now I’m on a mission to recover what I’ve lost, arm myself with the knowledge of what I’ve hidden, and save my friends – including the hunky panther shifter I can’t seem to get out of my head.
If I don’t die trying first.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I’ve been dying to read Midnight Magic ever since finishing Midnight Mated earlier this year, so you can understand how excited I was to jump into this book as soon as I received a copy!

One thing I was immediately amazed by in this book was the worldbuilding this author introduces. Because of the events at the very end of the first book, it’s obvious to readers that we will enter Midnight Magic with an introduction to the land of the fae, but I was immediately struck by how masterfully this author took this concept and made it their own while also sticking to some of the same elements we’ve come to expect in a book about the fae.

I also really enjoyed the characters in this story and seeing them band together against a common goal. Seeing these characters determined to stay by each others’ sides, even when things get weird, was the perfect continuation of the found family trope I loved to see in the first book!

However, I will say that there were a few aspects of this book I wish had been done better.

For one, the fight scenes were a bit difficult to stay focused in. Because the fight scenes are longer and more important in this book, I felt like I should have been paying more attention to them, but it was hard to keep my focus on what was happening. Perhaps this is more of a personal problem, as I often find my attention straying away from fight scenes in any media, but I wish I could have been able to stay in that moment instead of glossing over the scenes.

I also felt like this book could have been a little longer in order to make space for more emotional significance. In the latter half of the book, readers enter a scene where a side character dies and, due to the rules of this universe, we have to slowly watch their mate die as well. While the characters were upset during this time, it was hard as a reader to also be sad for these deaths, as we were introduced to these characters within this very scene.

Still, I absolutely adored Midnight Magic and this entire series so far! Seeing Midnight Magic end just like I was hoping it would was an amazing experience, and I can’t wait to get my hands on the third book in this series to read more about these characters and their world!

Want to see more of my thoughts on this book? I recorded a reading vlog for both Midnight Mated and Midnight Magic that you can watch now!

She’s Not Having The Best Day | Midnight Mated by Savannah Lee

I was used to getting the short end of the stick, so I shouldn’t have been surprised when I found myself fleeing my cheating ex, only to be run off the road and attacked by a vicious creature, barely escaping with my life.

Whisked away to the middle of the woods with no car or money, I found myself surrounded by crazies who claim to shift into animals and run in packs during the full moon. Even crazier? They say I’m one of them. And so was my attacker.

Normally I’d be running for the hills, but when the leader of this group tells me there have been other deadly attacks and I’m the sole survivor, the ten thousand dollar bounty he offers in exchange for my help is too tempting to resist.

Forced to partner with a gorgeous but infuriating rogue shifter who challenges me at every turn, we’re propelled into a race against the clock to track down the killer.

Before it’s too late.

Midnight Mated gets published May 31st, 2023!

Rating: 5 out of 5.

This book opens up with one of the best, most attention-grabbing first lines in the history of books. I won’t spoil it for you, but make sure to throw your expectations out of the window when you pick up this book!

In Midnight Mated, we follow Rowan just after she walks in on her boyfriend actively cheating on her with another girl. Rowan decides the best thing for her to do is pack a bag and drive far, far away, but her plans are soon foiled when she almost hits a huge wolf and ends up being attacked by it.

It’s fair to say she isn’t having the best day.

When Rowan next wakes up, she finds herself in the middle of a shifter pack, suddenly confronted by the fact that shifters exist and she may be one of them. But, more importantly, the alpha offers her a deal: if she helps them track down the wolf who attacked her (and has already killed a handful of teenagers in the area), he’ll give her a new car and $10,000.

The only bad thing? Working out who is killing these teens means she has to partner up with Callan, a panther shifter who is hot, broody, and wants absolutely nothing to do with her.

I really enjoyed the author’s writing style in this book, particularly the way they infused humor in the writing. There were a lot of random lines in the narration that made me laugh out loud, and the banter between all the characters made them feel like squabbling siblings. The found family aspects in this book were amazing, and I felt like I could truly care for every character we were introduced to throughout this.

(Well, except for the villains, of course.)

The romance in this book had me screaming, and I can’t wait to see how it develops later on in this series! I definitely have some theories on what is going to happen and how this relationship is going to set itself up in the future, but the bits I got in here of our two main characters dancing around each other were absolutely incredible!

I will say, however, that the plot to this one gets a little wild and may not be something every reader will enjoy. I was definitely a little overwhelmed and confused near the end, as secrets were being revealed and we learned there was a lot more to this story than we originally thought, but I think that’s the author’s intention here. I’m excited to see what comes next for these characters, but I can also see some readers getting lost when the book goes from 0-100 within the span of a few pages.

Still, this was an absolutely perfect five star for me, and I definitely recommend you pick this book up!