Vampires Never Get Old | A Review

Eleven fresh vampire stories from young adult fiction’s leading voices!
In this delicious new collection, you’ll find stories about lurking vampires of social media, rebellious vampires hungry for more than just blood, eager vampires coming out―and going out for their first kill―and other bold, breathtaking, dangerous, dreamy, eerie, iconic, powerful creatures of the night.
Welcome to the evolution of the vampire―and a revolution on the page.
Vampires Never Get Old includes stories by authors both bestselling and acclaimed, including Samira Ahmed, Dhonielle Clayton, Zoraida Córdova and Natalie C. Parker, Tessa Gratton, Heidi Heilig, Julie Murphy, Mark Oshiro, Rebecca Roanhorse, Laura Ruby, Victoria “V. E.” Schwab, and Kayla Whaley.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Thank you to Hear Our Voices for the opportunity to review this book! Check out the other hosts’ posts here!
Vampires Never Get Old comes out September 22, 2020.

I’ve never read an anthology before. Was never interested in them. Never understood them. But when Hear Our Voices asked who would be interested in a vampire-themed anthology, I decided it wouldn’t hurt to try.

Vampires Never Get Old is a collection of eleven short stories featuring vampires. But, more importantly, it’s an anthology on a mission. Each story in Vampires Never Get Old aims to change the way we see vampires by focusing on more diverse characters than what we’ve seen in the past. Whether the story focuses on race, sexuality, or a disability, each story helps bring the idea of vampires to every audience.

These stories have also, personally, made me much more interested in other cultures and their idea of vampires. In the past, I owned a book detailing vampires around the world and their general traits, and I found myself wishing I still owned that book by the time I got to the final page. My biggest hope for the release of this book is that it helps bring more attention to vampires around the world, and we begin to see more published books featuring vampires that aren’t white and straight.

The short stories in this anthology were all so very good and left me wanting more. At the end of every single one, I wished it wasn’t the end, and I really wanted to see the story expanded to a full-length novel. While I understand leaving them as open-ended as they are in order to let readers take on the stories themselves and picture what they would want next to help garner more interest, I couldn’t help wishing for more canon after the story was over.

I’m really excited to watch this anthology publish and for readers to get their hands on this. Each story was something I found I loved so much, and I do truly hope that we see more diverse vampire stories in the future!

You can also find my reading vlog here: