The Background Couple I’ve Been Waiting To See | Barbarian’s Mate (Ice Planet Barbarians #6) by Ruby Dixon

‘Resonance’ is supposed to be a dream – that’s when your soulmate is chosen for you. And everyone on the ice planet has hooked up with a big, hunky soulmate of their own… except me. So do I want a mate? Heck yeah. More than anything, all I’ve ever wanted is to be loved by someone.

Except that the soulmate chosen for me? My least favorite person on the darn ice planet. Haeden’s the most cranky, disapproving, unpleasant, overbearing male alien… so why is it that my body sings when he gets close? Why is he working so hard to prove to me that he’s not as awful as I think he is?

I hate him… don’t I?

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I have been waiting for Josie and Haeden’s book since I met these characters.

No one who has read these books up until this point can tell me they didn’t know Josie and Haeden were going to be an enemies-to-lovers sort of story. Their fighting in the background of each book up until this one has had me paying a lot of attention to them, waiting for this day to come.

But I was a bit surprised by their actual story.

For one, while we knew up until this point that Haeden had a mate in the past who died, I was surprised to find out the relationship between them and how… nonexistent it was. Haeden being a widower who is also a virgin was NOT in any of my expectations of this book!

I also wasn’t expecting Haeden to be okay with the relationship between him and Josie? I thought, since Josie has been really excited to resonate, that she’d change his mind throughout the book, but Haeden being the one who was into the relationship and Josie being the one who wanted nothing to do with their resonance? It was an interesting twist on this story!

Ultimately, however, these twists didn’t live up to how I thought this book was going to go. While I’ve really loved the snippets we got of these two in the backgrounds of every book leading up to this one, the actual story of them getting together wasn’t my favorite. I didn’t hate it. I just also didn’t love it.

Definitely top three, though. Behind my favorite kidnapping brothers.

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