They’re Kinda Basic | Barbarian’s Prize (Ice Planet Barbarians #5) by Ruby Dixon

It’s hard being the most popular girl on the ice planet. The alien men are falling all over themselves to impress me in the hopes that I’ll take them to my furs. But they don’t know my secrets – none of them do. And they don’t realize that behind my smile, I just wish they’d go away.

I don’t want any of them. I want someone else – someone with a gorgeous blue body, big horns, and the most intense gaze ever. He’s the only one that knows the truth. Maybe with him, I can work through my fears of the past…. but I’m pretty sure he wants more than just friendship.

He wants forever, and I’m not sure I can give it.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Honestly, I don’t have many notes for this book.

It was a bit of a surprise to open up this book and find out most of the girls had already resonated. Like skipping forward in time, it took me a second to figure out what was going on.

One of the girls who hasn’t resonated yet, Tiffany, is terrified of the day she resonates. Terrified to be trapped in a relationship with one of these alien guys and forced to have their baby.

Obviously, the only thing she can do is ask her alien bestie, Salukh, to practice with her.

My feelings on this one are difficult to describe. I liked it, but it wasn’t my favorite of the series. It was kind of a middle ground: not a couple I’m going to be thinking about ever again, but compared to every other book in existence, enjoyable enough that it deserves a four star rating.

I just have higher standards for this series.

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