Master of One by Jaida Jones and Dani Bennett | A Review

Rags is a thief—an excellent one. He’s stolen into noble’s coffers, picked soldier’s pockets, and even liberated a ring or two off the fingers of passersby. Until he’s caught by the Queensguard and forced to find an ancient fae relic for a sadistic royal sorcerer.
But Rags could never have guessed this “relic” would actually be a fae himself—a distractingly handsome, annoyingly perfect, ancient fae prince called Shining Talon. Good thing Rags can think on his toes, because things just get stranger from there…

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I love this book so much.

This book is kind of creepy at times. Especially near the beginning, when we’re still learning about this world and the things that can happen.

The beginning is a bit more Indiana Jones-esque. Our main character is tasked with getting to the end of a labyrinth in search of a prize the Queen’s sorcerer wants. But when he gets to the end of this labyrinth, instead of finding an item, he finds a member of a supposedly extinct race.

From there, the treasure hunt expands to the entire world as they must build their party and find the masters of the fragments that make up a weapon that can destroy the world. The search for these masters goes by a little quicker, but moves away from the horror aspect to instead be a little funny and weird. I loved every time we found a master and their fragment, as I could never expect where the fragment was hidden.

I was actively losing my mind every time.

As the book goes on, we realize more and more about this world and what exactly the Queen and her sorcerer is trying to do. We definitely quickly expand into a dark plot I wasn’t expecting, but I thought it was so, so good.

I’m definitely preordering the sequel as soon as it gets announced.

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